Friday, July 18, 2008


He stood in the hallway, right beside the door,
It had been two hours since she was gone,
The hands of his watch now read ten-four,
But, still the red light above the door was on.
The blood under his skin had begin to crawl,
The sweat on his forehead beginning to show anticipation,
He stood all alone in the huge wide hall,
Pacing all around, feeling nothing but frustration.
Dreadful thoughts had begun to creep in his mind,
His eyes, filling up with tears, making him nearly blind.
He had seen her being taken inside the room,
And now, all of a sudden a cry boomed,
A smile came to his lips, a tear in his eye,
It was the cry of his new born son,
The hands of his watch showed ten-twenty five,
He let out a sign of relief. Alas! It was all done.
The red light above the room went off,
The long closed door slowly opened,
The respected man came out with a cough,
The look in his eyes caught him stunned.
He kept his hand on the father's shoulder,
As the child had begun to wail,
Standing there he tried to act bolder,
But the look on the respected face made him pale.
He began to shiver with horror,
As the wise man revealed the news,
The grief struck the happy father,
His son had lost his mother before he knew.

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