Monday, September 15, 2008


She was walking down the deserted street,
She staggered on as she’d had nothing to eat,
Leaving behind the footprints of her bleeding feet,
She moved on, her white hair dangling about,
Feeling the walls, trying to find her way out.
He stood, watching her helplessly from above,
Tears coming into his little dark brown eyes,
Wanting to help her but not knowing how,
He could hear her loud cries,
She cried out for some food,
She cried out for some shelter.
She went next to a door and stood,
And he could feel his vision going blur.
She felt her feet give away, and she fell to the ground,
He so wanted to help her, but fear kept him from doing so.
A drunk passerby looked at her misery and frowned,
Cursing her aloud, he gave her a blow,
The poor old lady let out a shriek,
As the drunk rascal ran down the street.
A number of people looked down, but none could speak,
She shouted and wailed at the onlookers,
They knew her, and they all knew she could do nothing wrong,
And they were sure; her son was to be blamed for this position of hers,
The child above wanting to help her, knew he was not that strong,
But he could not watch his grandmother suffer near the dirty drain,
Where she lay still on the cold bare earth,
Mosquitoes giving her body shelter, the body which no more felt pain,
He got up and moved, his little brown eyes filled with salty water,
He went and opened his father’s study room,
There sat the huge cruel monster,
The one who sent his own mother to be doomed.
The child slowly and steadily walked up to him,
Fear building up with each step that he took,
He knew his chances to convince him were very dim,
But he knew he could not just stand and look.
His father looked at him and gave a big smile,
The frightened child began to cry.
The child looked into his father’s eye and asked boldly,
‘Why did u beat grandma and send her out?’
His father just stared at him coldly,
Now, the child stood close to him wanting the answer to his doubt,
Unexpectedly the huge hand came down and slapped his little face,
Then the child heard a voice say, ‘I am the master of this place,
Everything will be as I want.’
The child’s mother entered and held him in her arms,
While the father, stormed out into the dark night which seemed calm.
He walked down the streets, his fists clenched,
The wind was blowing, bringing with it some awful stench.
Cursing everything as he walked ahead,
He slipped on the damp ground, falling on his head,
Everything had blacked out.
Just then, he felt two hands lifting him up,
Then he heard his mother asking him aloud,
‘Get up my child, are you hurt?’
Looking at her, tears filled his eyes,
His head was bleeding; still he could recognize the angel in disguise.
He got up, and both helped each other move,
And he fainted as they reached their home.
As he woke up in the morning he felt his health had improved,
And his mother lay near his bed all alone,
He tried to wake her up, but she would not,
Tears welled up in his eyes,
The emotions that he felt he could no longer hold,
As lying dead in front of him was his angel in disguise.


He stood far in the corner,

Away from everyone’s view,

He was a loving father,

Wondering now what to do.

He watched the people,

All looking happy and gay,

Standing there he felt like a cripple,

But, yet he decided to stay.

He had no money,

Yet he had come to the fair,

His five year old wanted a bunny,

And would not settle for a small éclair.

The proud father decided to get him one,

So, now he stood here,

He watched all the having fun,

Staring at them with a tear.

He was too proud to beg or borrow,

And too honest to steal,

His barefoot adding to his sorrow,

And he had no goods with him to deal.

Slowly he began to walk,

Until he reached the huge toy shop,

After looking at the huge wall clock,

Next to the owner he stopped.

He asked the price of the desired toy,

The old man looked and gave him a smile,

And said, ‘That my boy,

Will cost u dollars five.’

Embarrassed, the man looked at his feet,

And stammered to the old man,

Keeping his voice very discreet,

Whether he wanted an extra hand.

He worked hard for two days,

And earned the desired toy,

The old man took him in his embrace,

For both, this was a moment of joy.

The brothers had parted back then,

And, hardly met each the other since,

Now the wall of ego between them,

Was acting like a thorny fence.


If you say love is sweet,

Then, why does love cheat?

If you say love is happiness,

Then, why does it bring sadness?

If you say love shall die,

Then, you are telling a lie?

Even though at times love does cheat,

By which it does bring in sadness,

Love never dies.


Please don’t ask me any question,
Because for it I am at opposition,
If ever do answer any,
Then, always there are others many,
I hate to be asked any questions,
As usually they increase my apprehension.

For a few questions there are no answers,
And if there are, they can cause disasters,
To avoid which, I would have to lie,
Later for which I might cry,
For if ever I got caught,
Then the questions increase a lot.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Who is a scholar?

Is he the one who earned a million dollars,

Or, the one with a beautiful white collar?

Is he an academic champ,

Or, the one who invented the telegram?

Is he the one who preaches about god,

Or, the one who can overcome any odd?

Is he the one who always wins in chess,

Or, the one who started the printing press?

Is he the one who can detect any crime,

Or, the one who knows how to make a perfect rhyme?

Is he the one who can well predict,

Or, the one who understands all about politics?

Is he the one who is capable of ruling Washington DC,

Or, is it me?


The earth shattered all around,
Causing little Tom to get awake,
Disaster was spelt in it’s every sound,
His little life was now at stake.

The ground beneath him rumbled,
Anger was heard in it’s voice,
Little Tom began to stumble,
As he didn’t have much of choice.

He looked at the sky that appeared dark grey,
As he joined his hands and began to pray,
His world was about to come to an end,
So to god, a message he sent.

Shivering of fear, he searched for his family,
The house was absolutely in shackles,
And none of them could he see,
Just then, the ceiling began to crackle.

Tears came to his frightened little eyes,
He wondered how they could have left him alone here,
He knew now why no one had heard his cries,
And now, he wondered where they could have disappeared.

He stepped out of his once beautiful house,
And walked to the steep stairs,
He saw the frightened people and heard their shouts,
And began to hope that this was just one of his nightmares.

He reached the railing,
And slowly moved down the steps,
His tiny hands were bleeding,
The people in the building now seemed to have left.

He reached the ground floor,
Freedom was just a few meters away,
When the walls tore,
Crushing the little Tom away.

If little Tom had lived,
Where would have he gone?
He didn’t know that his family was killed,
Trying to save him in the very house where he felt alone.


Sitting in his room all by himself,
All the toys scattered around,
And a many more lying in the shelf,
He sat staring at the ground.

He awaited his most beloved toy,
The only one that brought him immense joy,
It was to arrive soon,
As, it was already noon.

He looked through the large window,
And saw the cars passing by,
Then turning towards the closed door,
He waited as the time began to fly.

He hardly had any hair on his head,
Almost daily he would wet in his bed,
He would forget the people and things to him shown,
And would cry to himself when all alone.

The only thing he liked was playing with his favourite toy,
His grandson, who bought him immense joy,
Whenever the little 8 year old would go wild,
A smile came to the lips of this 80 year old child.