Sunday, September 14, 2008


The earth shattered all around,
Causing little Tom to get awake,
Disaster was spelt in it’s every sound,
His little life was now at stake.

The ground beneath him rumbled,
Anger was heard in it’s voice,
Little Tom began to stumble,
As he didn’t have much of choice.

He looked at the sky that appeared dark grey,
As he joined his hands and began to pray,
His world was about to come to an end,
So to god, a message he sent.

Shivering of fear, he searched for his family,
The house was absolutely in shackles,
And none of them could he see,
Just then, the ceiling began to crackle.

Tears came to his frightened little eyes,
He wondered how they could have left him alone here,
He knew now why no one had heard his cries,
And now, he wondered where they could have disappeared.

He stepped out of his once beautiful house,
And walked to the steep stairs,
He saw the frightened people and heard their shouts,
And began to hope that this was just one of his nightmares.

He reached the railing,
And slowly moved down the steps,
His tiny hands were bleeding,
The people in the building now seemed to have left.

He reached the ground floor,
Freedom was just a few meters away,
When the walls tore,
Crushing the little Tom away.

If little Tom had lived,
Where would have he gone?
He didn’t know that his family was killed,
Trying to save him in the very house where he felt alone.

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